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FACES is headed by a wonderful group of experienced and passionate researchers who have published in the field of child development. Meet the brains behind FACES and get on board!

Dr Poon is currently a researcher & lecturer at NIE. He is trained in clinical psychology and early intervention. He serves as a member on the board of governance of Rainbow Centre, Singapore and as a member of the Panel of Advisors to the Juvenile Court. His research interests are in autism spectrum disorders, intellectual disabilities, early intervention, and early childhood assessment. Dr Poon is also a father of two beautiful daughters.


Dr Bull is a senior research scientist at the National Institute of Education. She is widely published and her research interests include mathematics development in children and children who are deaf, and cognitive functioning.


Dr Kenneth Poon

Prinicipal Investigator


Dr Rebecca Bull

Co-Prinicipal Investigator


Don Bailey, PhD, is internationally known as an expert on young children with disabilities. For 27 years, he was on the faculty of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill where he was a W.R. Kenan, Jr. Distinguished Professor and, for 14 years, director of the Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute. Dr. Bailey's research addresses early identification and early intervention for children with disabilities, as well as family adaptation to disability.


Don Bailey

External Collaborator


Dr Magiati is currently an assistant professor at NUS and a chartered clinical psychologist. Prior to her clinical training, she completed a Ph.D. at St George's Hospital Medical School in early interventions for children with autism. She has specific knowledge of and experience in the assessment, diagnosis and intervention of children and young people with ASD and other developmental and learning difficulties.


Dr Iliana Magiati

External Collaborator


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